CROSS won a prestigious award

As part of the 20th anniversary year of the national ČDS&T competition, on June 8, 2023, in the Great Hall of the Municipal Library in Prague, the award ceremony took place in the category Transport construction, technology, and significant innovation.

CROSS won a prestigious award

CROSS Zlín, a.s. received the SDT award for the Intelligent Transport System project in the city of Hradec Králové. The company's operational director Petr Zeman and project manager Ivo Gajdošík presented the award on behalf of the company.
The entire event took place under the auspices of not only the Minister of Transport, Martin Kupka, who presented the selected prizes together with Věra Kovářová, the 1st Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic.

In the Transport Innovation and Technology category, an event realized by the company CROSS Zlín, a.s. was nominated. namely the project INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ.

The expert jury praised the complete renovation of 38 intersections, a new method of traffic detection and control, a system of public transport and emergency vehicle preferences, a surveillance system with detection of incidents and traffic intensities, a violation system, and, last but not least, the involvement of cooperative systems incl. connection of the back office together with the traffic control system Invipo in the territory of the city of Hradec Králové.